Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Beliefs about Technology and Learning...

One thing I have observed since starting the teaching program here at Edinboro is the increase in technology use. Many of my professors have highlighted this in their teachings. So, as I thought about it, it's crazy how much of our daily lives now revolve around some sort of technology. For example, many can't live without their smartphone in their pocket, or function without their iPod to walk between classes. I've also noticed that now children are starting to learn how to use technology at such young ages. Some adults probably hate to admit that their 2 year old can navigate an iPad quicker than they can. So, since these youngsters are learning these habits at home, it's no wonder that technology is also creeping into our classrooms.
Personally, I feel it's a great thing that technology is making its way into the classroom. For one, its teaching both us teachers and our students. Another plus I see is being able to explore beyond paper and pencils. I also feel technology may give more room for interaction within the classroom. For example, smartboards can be used for educational review games such as jeopardy. This can promote classroom involvement for every child. Another plus I see from having technology is not just its cognitive affects but also helping with physical affects. Many schools are now investing in Kindles or iPads to give to students, which I feel can help children get away from carrying a 15 to 20 pound book bag to and from school everyday. Another positive I see is possibly gaining more interest in class from students who would typically become bored after sitting for a few hours in a classroom. I definitely believe that technology and learning go together. Because our world is now so deep into technology, it only makes sense that we as teachers incorporate technology into our classrooms!
This video sums up a lot of my beliefs on why we should use technology:


  1. I agree technology is a good thing to have in a classroom.

  2. You are absolutely right that most people can't function without their technology. If you dont have a phone/facebook/computer it is really hard to communicate with anyone. Technology truly is inevitable in classrooms but you have to walk that fine line. The line is between a good use and over using technology. I believe at times some things are best taught in a more traditional way.

  3. I agree that our world is deep in technology and its a big part of teaching but do you feel we should use replace all learning tools with technology?
